In celebration of our current exhibition, KOHA: The speculative world of Rewi Thompson join us for a coffee and doughnut at Objectspace before jumping on the bus to visit three locations across Tāmaki Makaurau, designed by architect Rewi Thompson.
We'll visit:
✔️An expansive office and warehouse space built for a multinational pharmaceuticals firm, standing on a corner site on the border between industrial and residential zones. Winner of the CHH Award (1989) and an NZIA Branch Award (1990).
✔️Otara Town centre, commissioned by Manukau City Council to revitalise this vandal-prone 1960s shopping mall and realised in 1987 with fish inspired canopies.
✔️The Puukenga, which translates as “centre” or “focus”. AKA the home of Māori studies at Unitec.
At each stop tour guides Andrew Barrie and Jade Kake will guide a tour of the building, each uniquely giving insight into Rewi’s practice.
This bus tour will start and end at Objectspace. A light snack and water will be provided during the tour.
These locations are drawn from the map, ‘Rewi Thompson in Auckland’, created by designer and academic Andrew Barrie.
Seats are limited. Register to join us here.
Meet your guides:
Jade Kake (Ngāpuhi, Te Whakatōhea, Ngāti Whakāue) is an architectural designer and writer. She is the founder of Matakohe Architecture and Urbanism, a Kaupapa Māori architecture studio, and a part-time lecturer at Huri Te Ao School of Future Environments at Auckland University of Technology Te Wānanga Aronui o Tāmaki Makaurau. She is the author of Rebuilding the Kāinga: Lessons from Te Ao Hurihuri (Bridget Williams Books, 2019) and has contributed articles and chapters to magazines and books on housing, architecture and urbanism. She is a two-time winner of Te Kāhui Whaihanga New Zealand Institute of Architects’ Warren Trust Awards for Architectural Writing.
Andrew Barrie is Professor of Design at the University of Auckland’s School of Architecture & Planning. Barrie’s design work has been recognized with major national and international awards and numerous publications. He is one of New Zealand’s most experienced curators of architectural exhibitions, is a regular contributor to architecture and design journals, and has authored three books on the work of Japanese architects.
Architect and adjunct professor of architecture Rewi Thompson (Ngāti Porou, Ngāti Raukawa, 1953 – 2016) has profoundly influenced a generation of architects in Aotearoa. Notable projects include the terraced Wiri State Housing precinct (1986-1989), canopies at the Ōtara Town Centre (1987), City to Sea Bridge (1990-1994), Puukenga, the School of Māori Studies at Unitec in Tāmaki Makaurau Auckland (1991), and his own home in Tāmaki Makaurau’s Kohimarama (1985). Rewi created, consulted on and contributed to many of Aotearoa’s significant architectures, advocating for the prioritisation and enactment of mātauranga Māori into the fields of architecture and design.

Boarding a previous bus tour for Objectspace. Photograph by David St George.

Photographs and notebooks tracing the design of Otara Town centre exhibiting in KOHA. Photograph by Sam Hartnett.

Rewi Thompson in Auckland Map, Andrew Barrie