Join us for a conversation between Neke Moa and Paula Conroy on the final day of A Stone, an Echo, a Sign: Aotearoa Jewellery Triennial.
Moa will share insights into her practice and the new body of work commissioned for this major contemporary jewellery exhibition, with Conroy speaking to the pūrākau (timeless stories) of the atua (deities) depicted in Moa's work. This event is your opportunity to ask the burning questions you've been holding on to, and engage with the storytelling power that adornment holds.
Neke Moa (Ngāti Kahungunu ki Ahuriri, Kāi Tahu, Ngāti Porou, Ngāti Tūwharetoa) is an adornment and object artist working predominantly with found materials collected from te taiao. Her practice expresses a commitment to maintaining and uplifting mana motuhake (self-determination) through whakawhanaungatanga, wairuatanga and taonga tuku iho. Paula Conroy is a tohunga from Taranaki, who works closely with Moa to gather, collect, research, interpret and write the Atua stories that ground Moa's work.
Ahead of joining this talk, you can visit work by Neke Moa exhibiting with Masterworks Gallery at the 2023 Aotearoa Art Fair.
Paula Conroy writes on the pūrākau expressed by Neke Moa's work for the Objectspace Journal. Read more here.
Coffee & Croissants is a conversation series supported by our friends at Allpress Espresso and Daily Bread.

Neke Moa, Te Papakāinga ō Papaīra, 2022. Photograph by Sam Hartnett.