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Please join us for a content rich one day symposium to coincide with the opening of A Stone, an Echo, a Sign: Aotearoa Jewellery Triennial. Curated by Emma Ng, this jewellery exhibition at Objectspace has been developed as the first in a series of triennial exhibitions presented by Makers101.
A key consideration for A Stone, an Echo, a Sign is the need for this triennial to reflect its own moment. Ng notes that the exhibition should respond to the realities of being a maker in 2022. This symposium provides an opportunity to zoom in on the present moment in contemporary jewellery together — delving into the pragmatic and the practical, the daring, the whimsical and the inspirational.
This symposium is project managed by Mary Curtis for Objectspace. Your $50 tickets includes full access to the programme below, as well as morning and afternoon tea. We look forward to seeing you at Objectspace for this unique day of connection and conversation.
Jewellery Symposium Programme
8.30am - 9.00am: Registration and coffee
9.00am - 9.15am: Welcome and housekeeping
9.15am - 10.15am: Keynote Speaker: Rangi Kipa
10.15am - 10.45am: Morning Tea
10.45am - 11.45am: Afresh Insights: Three speakers discuss exciting recent projects, followed by a question and answer session.
Jane Dodd speaks on the development of ‘The Family’, a body of work that has been exhibited over three years across Aotearoa, at Te Uru, The National, Masterworks and Avid Gallery.
Heather Galbraith speaks on Deep Material Energy, a project for Radiant Pavilion 2021 evolving over 2022/23. Galbraith will share insights into the evolving form and shape of this project, and how collaborations can continnue with curiosity and generosity in our pandemic reality.
Sian van Dyk speaks on Pāua: A Contemporary Jewellery Story at The Dowse. Whether its glimmering surface evokes nostalgia or cultural cringe, pāua is undeniably linked with the visual character of Aotearoa. van Dyk will share insights from curating this exhibition, considering contemporary jewellers’ impressions of this shell and how it infiltrated our national psyche.
11.45am - 12.30pm: Curator led tour of A Stone, an Echo, a Sign with Emma Ng and exhibiting makers.
Emma Ng will guide symposium attendees through a special preview of the exhibition ahead of the opening, and discuss the key themes that have emerged with the six participating artists: Becky Bliss, Shelley Norton, Raewyn Walsh, Neke Moa, Rowan Panther, and Moniek Schrijer.
12.30pm - 1.15pm: Lunch
1.15pm - 2.15pm: Fresh New Work: Four jewellers discuss new bodies of work exploring different approaches to TIME in making, followed by a question and answer session.
Andrea Daly discusses the development of her exhibition Green Bird at The National in Ōtautahi, sharing thoughts on slowness and accumulation in making.
Rowan Panther unpicks her practice and discusses the intensity each work demands, illuminating how 7 months of focused making has realised the three new pieces exhibiting in A Stone, an Echo, a Sign.
Jack Hadley discussed ‘Round Round’, soon to be exhibited in Objectspace’s Cemac Foyer. This project draws on research that considers display mechanisms, giving pieces the potential to move, even when not on a wearer.
Jasmine Te Hira offers a view into her current masters project - looking at how taonga map, trace the trajectory of, expand our perception of, and are metaphors for time.
2.15pm - 2.30pm: Afternoon tea
2.30pm – 3.30pm: Lecture to be confirmed
3.30pm - 4.30pm: Wrap-up discussion led by Gina Matchitt and Andrea Daly. An opportunity to reflect on the learnings and provocations of the day.
5.00pm: Blessing of A Stone, an Echo, a Sign: Aotearoa Jewellery Triennial led by Ngāti Whātua Ōrākei.
5.30pm: Opening of the exhibition begins.

Objectspace's façade. Photograph by Samuel Hartnett.