As part of the exhibition, Matua moe Tama by Salle Tamatoa and Tunaga Funaki, join us to learn more about Niuean making practices with Tupumaiaga A Niue Trust.
Katoua, a long club or cleaving club, has become an iconic symbol representing identity and culture for may Niueans. It is an object unique to the island of Niue.
In this workshop, participants will craft a Katoua pendant from wood and understand more about carving traditions and forms from Niue.
This workshop will be facilitated by Tupumaiaga A Niue Trust, Salle Tamatoa and Tunaga Funaki.
Materials will be provided and the workshop is suitable for anyone aged 10 years or older.
Booking is free and required here. Please note capacity is limited.
Light refreshments will be provided.
Tupumaiaga A Niue Trust is a community group that provides opportunities and workshops for Niue youth, interweaving Niue culture and heritage arts to help participants to reconnect with Niuean heritage.

Katoua - a crafted pendant from wood example from a previous workshop by Tupumaiaga A Niue Trust

Tupumaiaga A Niue Trust workshops in Mt Albert and Wellington