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NZIA Talks: Architecture and Play with Travis McGee, Zach Barker, Jack Haldane-Willis and Pena Makoare

In collaboration with Te Kāhui Whaihanga New Zealand Institute of Architects Auckland Branch, this is the second of two talks exploring the integration of Indigenous knowledge with civic architecture, with a focus on spaces designed for knowledge exchange and community connection.

Through the lens of play, co-design and architecture, Objectspace has invited prominent architects to share insights into projects that engage with these themes, which are currently activated in the gallery through our current exhibitions.

In this session, Travis McGee and Zach Barker (Isthmus) will present on The Rotorua Lakefront Redevelopment. This project celebrates the landscape values of this national taonga. A new relationship with the lake edge has been created for future generations, a relationship that respects the lake and enhances the wairua and mauri of this shared cultural landscape.

Jack Haldane-Willis (Resilio) and Pena Makoare will present on the Kaipātiki Playground and Reserve – a Ngāti Whātua o Kaipara inspired wāhi tākaro, play space and community recreational area, formerly the Parakai Recreation Reserve which is well-known for the Parakai Springs hot pool complex.

Travis McGee has a wide range of experience in the design of public spaces, large and small-scale parks, subdivision planning, streetscapes, sports facilities, walkways and cycleways, skate parks and schools. His time is predominately in the design and coordination of public facilities and expertise in education where he operates in a design lead and project management role to coordinate the landscape design within the wider project scope. Travis has been heavily involved in co-design projects, establishing and integrating cultural narrative and mahi toi into the landscape alongside iwi partners. His more recent experience covers construction administration and large public space design where he exhibits a passion for environmentally sustainable design outcomes and innovative construction techniques.

Zach Barker has over 10 years of professional experience. His past projects cover a range of scales and typologies ranging from zoo habitats, park & visitor environments, campus spaces, playgrounds, and urban social spaces. He has an affinity for interdisciplinary collaboration and problem-solving, which he uses to bring unique solutions to design and construction. He has developed a passion for inclusive and engaging play spaces as well as landscapes that activate the imagination and bodies of people of all ages, backgrounds, and abilities.

Jack Haldane-Willis is an award winning landscape architect, architectural designer, furniture designer and craftsman with over 15 year’s experience. He enjoys collaborating with mana whenua to deliver designs that reflect and embed mātauranga Māori, demonstrating Resilio Studio’s commitment to generating designs that are rooted in local context. Jack's background and passion for regenerative design and craft means he has an interest in all aspects and the built environment and this has led him towards the planning, conceptualising, design, detailing and implementation of a wide range of spatial design projects. Jack has worked with leading architectural practices as both a landscape architect and architectural designer, working on a range of urban regeneration projects for existing town centres and university campuses as well as various smaller scale and residential design projects. 

Bernard (Pena) Makoare (Te Rarawa, Ngāpuhi-nui-tonu, Ngāti Whatua ngā iwi; Te Uri-o-Hau, Te Waiariki, Te Kaitutae ngā hapū) is a practising artist, designer and carver with over 30 years of exhibiting as both a solo artist and collaborator on a range of enterprises in Auckland and the north including major building development projects. Pena also has wide experience working in the Public Service Sector. Pena is personally committed to cultural and tribal revitalisation and has spent many years actively working on this for Te Rūnanga o Ngāti Whatua, Ngāpuhi, Te Rarawa and other iwi organisations. His commitment is expressed in his mahi and his adopting his moko mataora.

This event is presented in partnership between Objectspace and Te Kāhui Whaihanga New Zealand Institute of Architects Auckland Branch. NZIA are committed to promoting and celebrating outstanding architecture that enhances our cities, towns and natural environments.

Travis McGee, Associate Landscape Architect for Isthmus Group, photo by David St George

Zach Barker, Associate Landscape Architect for Isthmus Group, photo by David St George

Jack Haldane-Willis

Pena Makoare, photo by Toi Ngāpuhi

Aerial view of the Rotorua Lakefront Redevelopment, photo by Petra Leary

Māra Hūpara Moari at Kaipātiki Playground, photo courtesy of Resilio Studio