In celebration of Ngaro nga tikanga tuku iho / Lost traditions of my ancestors: Stevei Houkāmu currently exhibiting in our Cemac Foyer, please join curator and maker Isaac Te Awa to discuss the history of clay practice in Aotearoa.
Isaac will speak to the whakapapa of Uku in Aotearoa and provide insight into the use of clay in Māori making today…
Isaac Te Awa (Kāti Māmoe, Kāi Tahu, Waitaha, Ngāpuhi) is Curator Mātauranga Māori at Te Papa Tongarewa Museum of New Zealand. He has a diverse interest within te ao Māori and a passion for the reconnection of taonga Māori to people, place and community.
He is an active practitioner and researcher of Māori weaving and carving with a special interest in the revitalisation and documentation of traditional technique, practice, and knowledge.
The Ockham Lecture series is an annual programme of lectures and panel discussions across different themes that critically engage with craft, design and architecture. This programme is supported by Objectspace's Lead Partner Ockham Residential.

Te Papa curator Isaac Te Awa with the raranga face mask, made by Purewa MacGregor.

Stevei Houkāmau, Ngaro nga tikanga tuku iho/Lost traditions of my ancestors, (detail), 2023.