Please join us for the first Ockham lecture of KOHA: The speculative worlds of Rewi Thompson with urban planner and designer, Olivia Haddon.
Olivia will speak to her kainga of Pakiri on northland’s east coast and on drawing on te taiao and te ao Māori to create an inclusive design practice.
Olivia is a champion of indigenous innovation, Māori urbanism, Māori design principles, qualities and outcomes. “When design is inclusive of Māori knowledge, values and mixes old ways of knowing, being and doing with new modes and technologies, it has transformational urban, social and environmental outcomes that can benefit all.”
Olivia curated Te Paparahi Toi Maori, a publication and digital App, that reveals and makes visible Māori place narratives through public art embedded into the fabric of Auckland city centre. The successful project has had broad appeal. It reveals Māori and shared histories beneath the modern façade of the city, to celebrate the rich Māori place narratives of the city centre.
Olivia Haddon (Ngāti Manuhiri, Ngāti Wai and Ngāti Ruanui) is from Pakiri on the east coast, north of Auckland. Olivia is a mother of three, an urban planner and urban designer. She champions design partnerships with Mana Whenua (tribal authorities) and kaitiakitanga (central Māori value of reciprocal care of natural and physical resources and environmental restoration in urban environments) and specifically works to incorporate Māori design process and relationships with Iwi into infrastructure and design. Olivia loves art, being Māori, and living in Tāmaki Makaurau (Auckland).
The Ockham Lecture series is an annual programme of lectures and panel discussions across different themes that critically engage with craft, design and architecture. This programme is supported by Objectspace's Lead Partner Ockham Residential.

Drawing by Rewi Thompson of Coastal Lodge Project for Sharley and Laly Haddon during the 2000's. Image courtesy of Sharley and Olivia Haddon