Great art needs support.
It needs open minds, an engaged audience and sometimes it just needs just a plinth.
When Objectspace relocated to our new gallery in 2017, we decided to set up the plinth commission which offers makers, artists and designers everything they need to make great art, including the plinth. Situated below Objectspace’s famous white-box façade, works for this space respond to the courtyard’s unique architectural conditions and remain in situ for up to 12 months.
Our first three commissions to date have been made possible through the generosity of our community and we need your help again. We face losing this significant opportunity for artists due to funding cuts related to COVID-19. We’re asking our amazing supporter community to pledge to our plinth to help us fund these important projects.
Join us to celebrate being back in the building and help us launch our Boosted campaign Pledge to the Plinth, raising funds for one-of-a-kind artist projects.
RSVPs are essential - book here!
Hospitality from Black Estate Wines, Liberty Brewing, Almighty and Double Dutch Fries, with Thomson Whisky served from 7pm.

Warwick Freeman, In Praise of Volcanoes, the inaugural commission for Objectspace's courtyard plinth, July 2017