Bypass Journal presents Alive a Library - a writing workshop where attendees will reassemble old words from shredded books that have been de-shelved.
Why design a writing workshop where no one actually writes anything? What gets said in a place where nothing is new, and where people pick at scraps of books and stick them on bits of tape?
As a youth-lead architecture publication, Bypass is launching a series of writing workshops for students of architecture. Alive a Library is a taster of one of these sessions, facilitating a space for young people to;
Express their personal voice in architecture. Fuse their studio making practices with writing. Because writing is making. Play, and relax in a studio environment where there are no grades. Relax, because here nothing matters, which means you can!
Bypass Journal are an independent youth-lead publication from Tāmaki Makaurau, Aotearoa. This event will be facilitated by Bypass member Gabi Maffey as part of The Night School. This is the third of four Night School events taking place every Wednesday in April.
Architect-ish poet Gabi Maffey lives, works, and podcasts from Tāmaki Makaurau, Aotearoa. You can listen to their most recent writing here.
The Night School (TNS) is part of Tessa Forde’s practice-based doctoral research project at the Auckland University of Technology’s Huri te Ao - School of Future Environments. Because reflections on this event, photographs, and other recording tools used at this event may be included in the research and its outputs, attendees will need to read and sign an information sheet providing their voluntary consent, accessible here: Information for participants - The Night School (TNS)
All TNS events will adhere to the AUT ethical guidelines of partnership, protection and participation.