Hosted by broadcaster Wallace Chapman, the format is simple – a guest is invited to choose an object playlist – selecting six objects that are important to them. The interview will plot a course around the conversation their selection catalyses.
Our sixth event of the series welcomes a champion of Auckland heritage, George Farrant.
George Farrant qualified in architecture after growing up in the inspiring heritage town of Oamaru. He spent most of his professional career leading the process nationally of identifying, assessing, and protecting historic buildings, objects, places, trees, archaeological and scientific sites, engineering structures, and cultural locations.
Attendance is free and booking is required here. Hospitality will be provided.
George Farrant has, during his long-term role as Heritage Manager and Principal Heritage Advisor at Auckland Council, led numerous heritage restoration projects such as the Greys Avenue Synagogue, the Ferry Building, the former Customs House, the Princes Street Merchant houses, Parnell Baths, the Auckland Town Hall, The Civic, St Patricks Cathedral, the Pah Homestead, and currently the St James Theatre. He initiated the Auckland Heritage Festival, and also has been active in archaeology in New Zealand, Moana Oceania, and the Middle East. He is now retired from Auckland Council and is a consultant heritage advisor. In 2016 he was appointed as a Companion of the NZ Order of Merit (CNZM) in the Queen’s Birthday Honours for services to heritage preservation.
Wallace Chapman is a broadcaster and host of top rating show The Panel on RNZ National. For five years prior to that he was host of Sunday Morning with Wallace Chapman, and hosted the ‘pub politics’ TV show Backbenches for 10 years until 2018. Chapman has a personal interest in the arts…specifically New Zealand artists, both emerging and established.

George Farrant at The Civic

George Farrant at The St James Theatre