Ko Wharenui Harikoa he poro whaka hakoko
Ko Uenuku tawhana ki te Rangi
Wharenui Harikoa is a refracting prism of Tūpuna inspired light that shines across the sky like a rainbow
Join Lissy Robinson-Cole and Rudi Robinson to celebrate Wharenui Harikoa at Objectspace.
We will be open late until 8pm with hospitality provided.
Bringing together bright, neon colours and traditional toi whakairo shapes, Wharenui Harikoa offers a new way of understanding the importance of joy and aroha within te aō Māori.
This temporary installation shows the pieces completed to date for Wharenui Harikoa. Wharenui Harikoa will be shown at the Dowse Art Museum in Lower Hutt later this year and the completed Wharenui will be launched at Matariki in 2023 before travelling around Aotearoa.
This event is delivered as part of Wharenui Harikoa at Objectspace.
Wharenui Harikoa at Objectspace is supported by the Local Activation Fund Programme, administered by Tataki Auckland Unlimited on behalf of the New Zealand Government, and our generous sponsors: