Stories of Making: Across the Ocean, over the Mountain will explore how lived cultural practices are unique to place and people yet offer common ground to come together. Centering projects from Sápmi and Aotearoa, the seminar will consider how storytelling, making practices, and aural traditions strengthen cultural perspectives and how the exchange of ideas and global strategies can support new ways of valuing Indigenous knowledge. The program will include examples of how research has been conducted and how institutions engage and disseminate Indigenous perspectives, with a special focus on duodji and making practices from Sápmi, Aotearoa and the Moana Oceania.
Zoom session 1, Stories of Making: Sharing tradition
Exploring the role of museums and archives and successful strategies for honouring making practices
Tuesday 17 November 8AM NZT
Stories of Making: Sharing tradition will consider the role cultural institutions have in maintaining and honouring making practices. When working with taonga (treasured items), toi (art, making practices) and duodji, how should cultural institutions collaborate with practitioners to ensure traditions are respected and preserved?
Gunvor Guttorm, Professor in Duodji, Sámi allaskuvla ∣ Chanel Clarke, Curator, Māori, Tāmaki Paenga Hira Auckland War Memorial Museum ∣ Anne May Olli, Director, RiddoDuottarMusea ∣ Toluma'anave Barbara Makuati-Afitu & Kolokesa Uafā Māhina-Tuai, Co-Founders of Lagi-Maama Academy & Consultancy ∣ Liisa Holmberg, Film Commissioner, International Sámi Film Institute
Moderator: Mathias Danbolt, Associate Professor, University of Copenhagen
Zoom session 2, Stories of Making: Living knowledge
Practitioners discuss how they have reconnected with traditions and expanded into new ways of working
Tuesday 24 November 8AM NZT*
Stories of Making: Living knowledge will look at how practitioners from across Aotearoa and Sápmi have reconnected with and re-remembered practices of making, as well as discussing the strategies that have been useful when navigating old knowledge and new innovation. How are new tools and ways of working ensuring the growth of Indigenous practices?
Katarina Spik Skum, Duojár, Sápmi ∣ Kereama Taepa, Artist, Aotearoa ∣ Mata Aho Collective: Sarah Hudson and Bridget Reweti, Artists, Aotearoa ∣ Isaac Te Awa, Curator Mātauranga Māori, Museum of New Zealand Te Papa Tongarewa ∣ Fredrik Prost, Sámi Artisan and Handicraftsman, Viikusjärvi
Moderator: Liisá-Rávna Finbog, Doctoral Research Fellow, University of Oslo
Zoom session 3, Stories of Making: Engaging display
What must we consider when presenting Indigenous work in contemporary spaces?
Tuesday 1 December 8AM NZDT*
Bringing together both curator and practitioner perspectives, Stories of Making: Engaging display will consider how we can respect Indigenous world views in contemporary spaces. If Indigenous perspectives aren’t embedded in an institution, how can we make these spaces safe for exploring Indigenous practices? When we move off our whenua (land) and into international spaces, what considerations change?
Ioana Gordon Smith, Curator, Pataka Art + Museum ∣ Joar Nango, Architect and Artist, Sápmi ∣ Jérémie McGowan, Designer, Change Maker, former Director, Northern Norway Art Museum ∣ Carola Grahn, Sámi Artist and Curator, Sápmi ∣ Nathan Pohio, Curator and Artist, Aotearoa
Moderator: Karl Chitham, Director, The Dowse Art Museum
Zoom Sessions
Stories of Making: Across the ocean, Over the Mountain
E tūhura ana a Stories of Making: Across the Ocean, Over the Mountain i te ahurei o ngā tikanga o tēnā whenua, o tēnā tangata, waihoki ngā āhuatanga o roto i aua tikanga e whakakotahi ana i a tātou te tangata. Ko ngā kaupapa toi nō Sápmi me Aotearoa te pūtake o te hui, ā, ko tā te hui, he whiriwhiri i te wāhi ki ngā pūrākau, ki ngā tikanga mahi toi me ngā kōrero tuku iho i te whakapūmautanga o te tirohanga o ngā Iwi Taketake. Waihoki ko ngā ara hou e hāpai ana i te whakamanatanga o te mātauranga o ngā Iwi Taketake nā ngā whakawhitinga whakaaro me ngā rautaki ā-ao.
Kei te rārangi kaupapa o te hui ngā tauira o ngā ara i whāia mō te mahi rangahau me ngā mahi a ngā whare whakahaere ki te kimi, ki te whakaputa hoki i ngā tirohanga o ngā Iwi taketake. Ka arotahi ngā kōrero ki ngā tikanga mahi toi a te duodji, a te Māori me te Moana Oceania .
Stories of Making: Ngā kōrero tuku iho
E tūhura ana i te tūnga o ngā whare taonga me ngā whare pūranga me ngā rautaki whaihua hei whakamana i ngā tikanga mahi toi.
Rātū 17 Whiringa-ā-rangi 8 AM NZDT*
Gunvor Guttorm, Professor in Duodji, Sámi allaskuvla ∣ Chanel Clarke, Curator, Māori, Tāmaki Paenga Hira Auckland War Memorial Museum ∣ Anne May Olli, Director, RiddoDuottarMusea ∣ Toluma'anave Barbara Makuati-Afitu & Kolokesa Uafā Māhina-Tuai, Co-Founders of Lagi-Maama Academy & Consultancy ∣ Liisa Holmberg, Film Commissioner, International Sámi Film Institute
Kaiwawao: Mathias Danbolt, Associate Professor, University of Copenhagen
Stories of Making: He mātauranga ora
Ka kōrero ngā ringatoi e pā ana ki tō rātou tūhonotanga atu anō ki ngā tikanga toi tuku iho me ngā toronga atu ki ngā ara mahi toi hou.
Rātū 24 Whiringa-ā-rangi 8 AM NZDT*
Katarina Spik Skum, Duojár, Sápmi ∣ Kereama Taepa, Artist, Aotearoa ∣ Mata Aho Collective: Sarah Hudson and Bridget Reweti, Artists, Aotearoa ∣ Isaac Te Awa, Curator Mātauranga Māori, Museum of New Zealand Te Papa Tongarewa ∣ Fredrik Prost, Sámi Artisan and Handicraftsman, Viikusjärvi
Kaiwawao: Liisa-Rávna Finbog, Doctoral Research Fellow, University of Oslo
Stories of Making: Ngā whakaaturanga pai
Ngā āhuatanga hei āta whiriwhiri mā te hunga e whakaatu ana i ngā mahi a ngā Iwi Taketake i roto i ngā wharetoi o te ao toi hou.
Rātū 1 Hakihea NZDT*
Ioana Gordon Smith, Curator, Pataka Art + Museum ∣ Joar Nango, Architect and Artist, Sápmi ∣ Jérémie McGowan, Designer, Change Maker, former Director, Northern Norway Art Museum ∣ Carola Grahn, Sámi Artist and Curator, Sápmi ∣ Nathan Pohio, Curator and Artist, Aotearoa
Kaiwawao: Karl Chitham, Director, The Dowse Art Museum
* The date and time for each part of the seminar programme is listed in both Central European Time (CET) and New Zealand Day Time (NZT).
Zoom Sessions
Duoje sága: Ábij rastá, váre badjel
Stories of Making: Ábij rastá, váre badjel gehtjat gåktu viessum kultuvralasj dábe li sierralágátja bájkes bájkkáj ja ulmutjis ulmutjij valla ajtu vaddi vejulasjvuodajt tjåhkanit. Dættojn prosjevtajda Sámes ja Aotearoas galggá seminárra gehtjadit gåktu subtsastallam ja hábbmimdábe nanniji kultuvrav ja gåktu ájálvisáj ja globála stratesjijjaj lånudallam máhttá doarjjot ådå vuogijt álggoálmmugij máhtov árvon adnet. Prográmman li duola degu buojkulvisá gåktu dutkam la tjadáduvvam ja gåktu ásadusá álggoálmmukássjij barggi, sierralágásj dættojn duodjáj Sámes, Aotearoas ja Moana Oceanias.
Zoom Session 1, Duoje sága: Dábijt juogadit
Gehtjadip gåktu dávvervuorká ja arkijva máhtti buoragit dábijt bisodit.
Mánnodahka 16 Basádismánno 8PM CET / Dijstahka 17 Basádismánno 8AM NZDT*
Stories of Making: Sharing tradition galggá árvustallat makkir sadje kultuvralasj ásadusájn la mij guosská duodjuhimev joarkket ja guddnedit. Gå barggá taonga (árvulasj gávnuj), toi (dájdda, giehtabarggo) ja duodje, gåktu galggi kultuvralasj ásadusá duodjárij siegen barggat váj bærrájgæhttjá jut árbbedábe li vieleduvvam ja joarkki?
Gunvor Guttorm, Duoje professåvrrå, Sáme allaskåvllå ∣ Chanel Clarke, kuráhtur, Māori, Tāmaki Paenga Hira Auckland War Memorial Museum ∣ Anne May Olli, direktørra RiddoDuottarMusea ∣ Toluma'anave Barbara Makuati-Afitu & Kolokesa Uafā Māhina-Tuai, Co-Founders of Lagi-Maama Academy & Consultancy ∣ Liisa Holmberg, Film Commissioner, International Sámi Film Institute
Jådediddje: Mathias Danbolt, Associate Professor, University of Copenhagen
Zoom Session 2, Duoje sága: Viesso máhtto
Duodjára giehttu gåktu li dábijda vat tjanádam ja dajt jårgijdam ådå barggamvuogijda
Mánnodahka 23 Basádismánno 8PM CET / Dijstahka 24 Basádismánno 8AM NZT*
Stories of Making: Living knowledge gehtjat gåktu duodjára miehtáj Aotearoa ja Sábme li ådåsit tjanádum ja mujttám duodjuhimev, sæmmi bále gå ságastalli gåktu li dahkam gå li bårjåstam dålusj máhtoj ja ådå innovasjåvnåj gaskan. Gåktu ådå vædtsaga ja barggamvuoge nanniji álggoálmmugij vuogijt?
Katarina Spik Skum, Duodjár ∣ Kereama Taepa, njunnjusj dálásj ájge Māori artissta ∣ Mata Aho Collective: Sarah Hudson ja Bridget Reweti ∣ Isaac Te Awa, kuráhtur Mātauranga Māori, Museum of New Zealand Te Papa Tongarewa ∣ Fredrik Prost, Sámi dájddár ja duodjár, Viikusjärvi
Jådediddje: Liisá-Rávna Finbog, Doctoral Research Fellow, Oslo universitiehtta
Zoom Session 3, Duoje sága: Åvddånbuktem mij gæssát
Majt galggap árvustallat gå uddni åvddån buktet álggoálmmugij duojev?
Mánnodahka 30 Basádismánno 8PM CET / Dijstahka 1 Javllamánno 8AM NZT*
Stories of Making: Engaging display buktá sihke kuráhturij ja duodjárij vuojnojt ja dåppe árvustallap gåktu máhttep álggoálmmugij væráltdádjadusáv vieledit udnásj sajijn. Jus álggoálmmugij vuojno ælla makkirak ásadussaj vuododuvvam, gåktu máhttep dájt sajijt dahkat jasska sadjen gånnå álggoálmmugij vuogijt máhttá åtsådit? Gånnå mannap ierit ietjama whenuas (ednamijs) ja rijkajgasskasasj sajijda, gåktus de?
Ioana Gordon Smith, Kuráhtur Pataka Art + Museum ∣ Joar Nango, Arkitækta ja artissta ∣ Jérémie McGowan, Designer, Change Maker, åvdep direktørra, Nuorttalij Vuona dájddadávvervuorkká ∣ Carola Grahn, Sáme dájddár ja kuráhtur ∣ Nathan Puhio, Māori kuráhtur ja artissta, Ōtautahi Christchurch
Jådediddje: Karl Chitham, direktørra, Dowse Art Museum