From bacteria-inspired wallpaper design, to interactive jewellery, 3D printed shoes, and brightly coloured prints evolving into a fashion collection – the annual graduate exhibition Best in Show is back.
Now in its tenth year of showcasing outstanding graduate work in applied arts and design, Best in Show 2014 is both a platform for brand new makers and designers stepping into the professional arena, and an opportunity for the public to view the newest exciting work emerging from tertiary organisations around New Zealand. This year, work from 27 graduates will be on display.
The exhibition spans diverse art disciplines – including textile design, fashion, graphic design, jewellery, industrial design, and furniture design. With abundant experimentation in material and technique, the students' collection swings from the sleek and sophisticated, to simple and restrained, and downright quirky.
Creating an opportunity for students to apply for selection has ensured that Best in Show 2014 presents a truly national selection with work coming from: Auckland University of Technology, Eastern Institute of Technology, Hungry Creek Art & Craft School, Manukau Institute of Technology, Massey University, Northtec, Otago Polytechnic, Unitec, Whitecliffe College of Arts and Design and Whitireia Polytechnic.
A publication for this exhibition is available to view or download here.

Ria Erasmus-Kruger, Intrusive Thoughts, 2013.