In this installation Danelle Briscoe has employed digital fabrication to explore the physical construction of unusual architectural forms. It is a process she refers to as "crafting the atypical" in architecture. Briscoe uses stereo-lithography, a method and apparatus for making solid objects by successively "printing" thin layers of ultraviolet resin one on top of the other, to produce an undulating, double-curvature wall-like piece.
Instead of printing the piece as a whole, its assemblage from multiple components - similar to lego blocks - references that which is 'hand-made'. The uniqueness of each part means the assemblage fits together in only one way for the piece to be read as a whole.
Danelle Briscoe holds a Master of Architecture degree from Yale University. She was involved with Gehry Partners in Los Angeles for several years prior to moving to New Zealand in 2005 and is currently a lecturer at Unitec School of Architecture in Auckland. The maker would like to acknowledge the support of David Rhodes, Unitec and Richard Mayo, Protobuild.

Danelle Briscoe, Digital Craft, 2008.