Doing Furniture Conversations…. is the result of 'a conversation' maker Tim Larkin has created with a range of 'voices' and in so doing has created unique works.
Auckland furniture maker Humphrey Ikin's 1997 installation Facing North is a central part of the conversation. While Facing North looks to a clear and 'sunny' North, Larkin, standing in much the same space looks to a darker and internal place. The use and treatment of pegboard as a material is an important aspect of Larkin's conversation. Although an artificial material, pegboard is transformed through verb chains, "break it, thread it, burn it, plane it, oil it" so that it appears of the earth.
Another conversation going on is that between the wooden cabinets which are 'borne' and the frames which 'bear' them. This conversation mirrors the relationship between bodies that are 'borne' and furniture as a 'bearer'.
Serbian performance artist Marina Abramovic is a contributor to the conversation by way of her a famous work Nightsea Crossing (1981-87) which looks into the condition of two people seated at opposite ends of a large table.
Another element in this conversation and installation are Larkin's drawings and models which are both preparatory works and also in conversation with the finished or full-scale works.
Doing Furniture Conversations…. was created by Tim Larkin as his Masters of Design graduation installation at the School of Design, Victoria University of Wellington. On another level the installation is the result of Tim Larkin's conversation and work with Professor Simon Fraser who designed the undercarriage of Sideboard (Towards a Furniture Body) and fellow student Graham Young who worked on building and detailing Cabinet Two (Enfolding).

Tim Larkin and Simon Fraser, Sideboard (Towards a Furniture Body), 2002.