An installation of work by 20 European jewellers curated by Liesbeth den Besten and Love Jönsson that features contemporary work from Demark, Finland, France, Germany, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Netherlands and the United Kingdom.
The curators write "One's voice is personal, as well as one's choice. This show highlights the diversity of aesthetic expressions found in European contemporary jewellery, as well as it reflects the personal standpoints of its curators, one of whom is Dutch and one of whom is Swedish. The installation of 20 works by 20 different makers metaphorically forms a discussion between various positions, traditions and objectives. Addressing societal issues such as commercialism, national identity, and the politics of taste, some of the artists set out to challenge our conventional understanding of jewellery and its functions. Others emphasise beauty and emotional responses to objects and images as everlasting artistic concerns. Several of the works in the show are united by an innovative use of both precious and non-precious materials and an interest in the relation between the everyday and the extraordinary. The desire to expand the field of jewellery and having it to function as vehicle for ideas and emotions, and as an entry-point for discussions, are also facets of the artists' work that may seem to unite them, despite their various backgrounds and nationalities. Every choice means eliminating other choices. This exhibition represents not a 'Europe Union proof' concept, but it aims to present a myriad of views in 20 pieces."
Liesbeth den Besten (Netherlands) and Love Jönsson (Sweden) are leading European curators and writers who are in New Zealand to participate in the PERMIT Contemporary Jewellery Symposium.

Christoph Zellweger (SE), Relic Rosé, 2006.