In this window installation Ainsley O'Connell explores the creative potential of paper folding. The sculptural and architectural possibilities in O'Connell's four year investigation into simple folded objects rendered as cast glass are successfully realized. The artist engages with "the transformation of the mundane flat sheet, through the craft-based fold, to emerge as a sculptural art object, seeking to explore how folding can be used to design architectural forms."
These works translate the structure and ephemerality of an origami-like craft practice into the challenging medium of glass. O'Connell notes that "the economy of paper folding translates into very engaging generated folded paper forms and, through a series of technical processes, turning these craft forms into art objects. The use of 45% lead crystal, a material considered more precious than paper, adds to the debate of art or craft."
Ainsley O'Connell is an Auckland based architect and glass artist.

Ainsley O'Connell, Fold, 2008.