F.O.U.N.D showcases works created by 15 participants in the Incredible Strange Object, a national jewellers masterclass led by Munich-based jeweller Peter Bauhuis.
This exhibition is a cabinet of wonder created by the participants in the very recent Incredible Strange Object workshop led by jeweller Peter Bauhuis hosted by the Faculty of Creative Arts at Manukau Institute of Technology. Participants looked at incredibly strange things, admired their anonymous beauty, reflected on what these things could be and took this as inspiration for making their own works.
Drawing on the wunderkammer tradition, the installations heap praise on the special and peculiar. We learn that the Instruments of Knowing are extending and connecting procreation and scarification in the Cyrenaican Region. We see the latest hits in the Objects for Integrated Information Collection and experience the artefacts from Wellington's Museum of Coffee (from 2080). We get to know that Brazil's biggest selling souvenirs can be traced back to the lost amulets of an Amazonian tribe and the Sands of Time Project reveals all the mysteries of the Bermuda Triangle and the ancient civilisation of Atlantis. As Jules Verne observed in 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea "From the fathomless world of infinite mystery and unearthly beauty which Man has yet to discover".