New Objects will be on exhibition at Objectspace from 8 August with works being offered for sale on 13 August 2014. New Objects is an important opportunity to view and acquire small but powerful works by renowned contemporary makers whose works are held by some of the most prestigious public and private collections in New Zealand and elsewhere.
Recently Objectspace, in partnership with Creative New Zealand, hosted Paris-based Benjamin Lignel in New Zealand. He's a very influential figure in contemporary jewellery at the global level. He observed the New Zealand contemporary jewellery sector as 'small but powerful' in terms of its relationship to the rest of the world. This observation perfectly describes the works in New Objects. It is a small selection but powerful in terms of its quality and the reputations of these makers. Many of the makers included in New Objects have distinguished themselves from their peers by either having their works acquired by our leading art museums or creating a profile for themselves that extends far beyond our shores, and for a number of these makers by both means . Two New Objects exhibitors, Lisa Walker and Warwick Freeman, are both recipients of the world's most prestigious award for contemporary jewellery. The makers featured in New Objects represent contemporary practice of the very highest level of accomplishment.
Objectspace, since opening in 2004, has attracted local and international accolades. One of the world's most respected authorities, Dr Glenn Adamson, now the Director of New York's Museum of Art & Design, has described it as experimental and innovative. Objectspace was established to create new opportunities for outstanding New Zealand makers and designers. New Objects is an initiative that creates new opportunities for makers and their supporters as it is a selected group of works by outstanding makers, all of whom are recent Objectspace exhibitors.
New Objects will be on exhibition at Objectspace from 8 August with works being offered for sale on 13 August 2014. New Objects is an important opportunity to view and acquire small but powerful works by renowned contemporary makers whose works are held by some of the most prestigious public and private collections in New Zealand and elsewhere.
Viewing : 8-13 August 10am – 5pm
Floor talk: 11am Saturday 9 August
Auction: 6.30pm Wednesday 13 August drinks from 5.30pm
Purchased items will be available for removal at the conclusion of the auction

Sharon Fitness, Blob Stack Brooch, 2011. Image courtesy Tineke Jansen.

Trudie Kroef, Bizonder Series, 2010.

Tessa Laird, Gravity's Banana, 2012. Image courtesy of Tineke Jansen.