Different types of models - architectural, maker's and trade models - as well as artist's maquettes, are works that have long fascinated collectors. All collections provide information about the works, their makers and the collectors who form them. Uniquely David Trubridge's collection of maquettes is a rich text which documents his creativity and practice as an internationally recognized designer maker.
"These are all working models which are built as part of the design process. They are not intended as finished pieces and some are quite rough where they have been chopped and changed as the idea develops. Others have suffered a little with time, but they all help illustrate the thinking involved in creating a new design. They are all to scale, some 1/4 some 1/5. Before computer 3D modelling they were an essential tool in the design process, allowing the opportunity to see the object from all angles and perspectives. They can also help with an understanding of how to join different components, as the parts are manufactured. Even now that I use a computer for all of my design, they are still a very useful aid. And they are easier to build now because scale templates can be printed straight off the computer drawing. You can see some of these still glued to the custom wood frames. After I have made them I usually leave them lying around in the house waiting for a casual glance, that 'unguarded moment' of unfettered insight, when you suddenly know for sure whether it works or not. It may take some time for the initial, slightly distorted, sense of satisfaction of creation to wear off and you are able to see it in its true light. Most of these maquettes have been made, but not all of them - maybe an idea in waiting. Never throw anything away!"
- David Trubridge
Objectspace's Vault Programme features distinctive works from private collections. Objectspace is keen to work with private collectors to enable them to share their collections and enthusiasms on a short term basis. Objectspace acknowledges the generosity of maker David Trubridge and the support of the Auckland War Memorial Museum.

David Trubridge, Seventeen Years' Work (detail), 2005.