Jewellery by Warwick Freeman
The Family Jewels is the Freeman Family's name for the suite of Warwick Freeman works that formed his renowned 1995 Owner's Manual exhibition and publication. These works are re-presented for the first time as The Family Jewels along with the original Patrick Reynolds images of Freeman jewellery owners wearing their works. Noted Australian curator, Julie Ewington, who was the Owner's Manual author, and also a featured owner, provides a new assessment of the project 20 years on.
Copies of Owner's Manual are available from Objectspace for $10.
Wunderweek Wunderweek or Wunderweekend is a Wunderfringe event organised by the Jewellers Guild of Greater Sandringham to celebrate the arrival of the world-famous exhibition, opening at the Auckland Art Gallery on 18 July 2015. Check out their website for a comprehensive listing of jewellery related exhibitions and events.