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Fenoga Tāoga Niue I Aotearoa: Niue Heritage Journey In Aotearoa

"I acknowledge this beautiful land of Aotearoa, the Government of New Zealand for the many opportunities. Falepipi he Mafola Group in Auckland was freely able to lift the heritage arts of Niue and serve our families in the community. Not forgetting our beautiful treasure, Niue, ‘The Rock of the Pacific’, for the gift of our Niue heritage, passed on from generation to generation. We remember those who have gone before us and acknowledge our future generations.

Our ancestors before us laid a foundation for all generations to follow and prosper, wherever we choose to live. Today, I pay tribute to their knowledge and wisdom. I thank the Falepipi he Mafola Group for 30 years of promoting Niue heritage arts in New Zealand and for the services to our families, helping them to live peacefully with each other.”

- Molima Molly Pihigia, QSM.

Published in 2023 by Mafola Press on the occasion of the major exhibition: Fenoga Tāoga Niue I Aotearoa, Niue Heritage Journey in Aotearoa, curated by Molima Molly Pihigia QSM and Lagi-Maama (Toluma‘anave Barbara Makuati-Afitu, Kolokesa Uafā Māhina-Tuai, Hikule‘o Fe‘aomoeako Melaia Māhina).

Explore the thriving heritage of Niue with this bilingual (Niue and English), beautifully designed and richly illustrated publication; featuring personal insights and stories from 49 contributors across Aotearoa New Zealand and Niue.

This mammoth 500 page book chronologically traces the 30-year journey of Ōtāhuhu based Falepipi he Mafola Niuean Handcraft Group Inc. (Falepipi he Mafola Group), through projects and treasures made by the collective minds, hearts and hands of past and present members. Honouring the memory of over 50 cherished individuals who have passed on, as well as celebrating the wealth of knowledge, skills, and wisdom of current living treasures, this publication is a testament to the enduring spirit of Niuean culture.

Fenoga Tāoga Niue I Aotearoa, Niue Heritage Journey In Aotearoa is a tāoga, a treasure, filled with stories, memories and works that will inspire and enrich readers for generations to come.

Editors: Molima Molly Pihigia QSM, Toluma‘anave Barbara Makuati-Afitu, Kolokesa Uafā Māhina-Tuai, Hikule‘o Fe‘aomoeako Melaia Māhina, Janson Chau (Alt Group).

Copyeditors: Niue: Molima Molly Pihigia QSM, Ioane Aleke Fa‘avae; English: Simon Makuati-Afitu, Nick Shackleford & Mele Ha‘amoa Māhina ‘Alatini.

Niue Language Translators: Molima Molly Pihigia QSM, Snow Haele Osikai-Touna, Ioane Aleke Fa‘avae & Mele Heketoa-Tokele.

Photographer of works and portraits: Toaki Okano




Mafola Press

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