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International Guest: Alfredo Gutiérrez Borrero

Guest of Objectspace and AUT School of Future Environments visits from Colombia

Alfredo Gutiérrez Borrero is Associate Professor at the School of Product Design at Universidad Jorge Tadeo Lozano in Bogotá, Colombia. Borrero is interested in everything that plays the role of design within the traditions and customs of human groups that by decision or situation have exteriority to the Western world.

In Spring 2024, Gutiérrez Borrero visits Aotearoa as a guest of Objectspace and Auckland University of Technology's School of Future Environments to share his alternative perspectives on design.

During his visit, Gutiérrez Borrero will present a lecture at AUT, a Coffee & Croissants conversation at Objectspace and a workshop for AUT students and faculty, alongside meetings and studio visits with practitioners and academics working in design. 

This International Guest Programme is delivered as part of Objectspace and AUT School of Future Environments' Education Partnership – established in 2024 in acknowledgement of a shared advocacy and pursuit of excellence in Aotearoa design and architecture, to see AUT faculty and students connected and contributing to Objectspace programme and to foster research and exchange.

Alfredo Gutiérrez Borrero (b. 1968, Bogotá, Colombia) is Associate Professor at the School of Product Design at Universidad Jorge Tadeo Lozano in Bogotá, Colombia. In his work Alfredo is concerned with the spatial intertwining and happening of the relationality between diverse futures and pasts, desires and memories, archaeologies and designs – as modalities of actualisation of materiality in the present times. His work has been discussed and presented in various countries in Latin America and Europe, the United States and New Zealand and in 2017 he carried out a doctoral research internship under the direction of Leali'ifano Dr. Albert L Refiti within the AUT School of Art and Design.

Alfredo Gutiérrez Borrero with the late Pistachio, photograph by Oscar Perfer